Why a Chromebook Was the Perfect Choice for My Husband

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  • #126195 Reply

      My husband is not able to get around much so spends a lot of time on his laptop. Every few years he has to replace it when they start going bad.

      Last month he had to start looking for a new one.

      I convinced him to look at getting a Chromebook the same size as his laptop.

      He never uses most of the programs and features on his laptops so it really is just a waste to get them.

      He watches YouTube how to videos, Amazon, Ebay and Craigslist.

      That’s about it, no gaming, movies or special effects. After a month he is perfectly happy and it was so much cheaper.

      We do have a computer with all the extras if needed but this was perfect for him.

      #126196 Reply

        So, what does everyone do when their chromebook hits its expiration date?

        I think this means the apps can no longer update.??

        #126197 Reply

          Yes! Also refurbished might work for folks. I’ve purchased refurbished a few times $175-$250 and they were good enough for 2-3 years.

          #126198 Reply

            What did it cost you? My last Lenovo lasted 10 years. And I only had to replace it because wifi systems have changed so much.

            #126199 Reply

              Had a Chromebook for years; did everything I needed; replaced with an open box Lenovo laptop from BestBuy at a Chromebook price; when the Lenovo dies, I’ll go back to a Chromebook.

              I was able to keep all my business and farm worksheets on the Chromebook and watch videos/movies.

              Will check to see if that has changed on later models.

              #126200 Reply

                I hate mine. I have to work on it when traveling. Business is paperless. The keys are off for those that learned to type on real typewriters.

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