Where can I donate damaged clothes instead of discarding them?

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  • #121847 Reply

      I’m planning to purge my clothes today and am looking for a place to give those with holes, stains, etc.

      I hate to just throw them out if some organization can use them.

      Any thoughts?

      #121848 Reply

        If it’s something you wouldn’t choose at a thrift shop because of the poor condition then other people won’t choose it.

        I have volunteered at a couple of church related thrift stores and people donated things that just needed to be thrown away.

        It’s okay to throw it away.

        #121849 Reply

          Please don’t donate torn or stained clothing to causes for people. If you won’t wear them, others won’t. People in need are still people.

          They are at a disadvantage in life and deserve a bit of dignity.

          I worked a clothing drive for a hurricane disaster area.

          We got donations of trash clothing that cannot be worn and ended up filling a dumpster.

          #121850 Reply

            We have bins in our community to donate textiles. Google textile donations in your town/city

            #121851 Reply

              I have left a few coats and some good tops and bottoms for winter and even boxes of unopened crackers and snacks by the park benches and they are gone in a few hours ..it doesn’t look messy when I leave it there.

              It’s likeforgetting a coat by the bench where the homeless frequent works too. the coat is gone and being used.

              Even if it’s missing button or has a torn pocket in the inside.

              It’s cold and homeless will wear them temporarily. No negative comments.

              #121852 Reply

                Most places will sort out dirty, stained, torn clothes into the trash. (Edit: this was my volunteer experience at a large charity thrift store)

                #121853 Reply

                  Throw them away. Don’t make someone else toss them for you.

                  #121854 Reply

                    We have a textile recycling company near us. That’s what I do with them rather than the landfill.

                    #121855 Reply

                      If they are biodegradable- natural fibers, you can put them in your compost pile.

                      I did that with one of my shirts.

                      #121856 Reply

                        Take them to your local animal shelter! They’ll use them there

                        #121857 Reply

                          Anything cotton I cut up and use for rags instead of buying paper towels or new rag cloths.

                          Some can be used to dust and mop the floors.

                          #121858 Reply

                            There are some organizations that want torn clothes they shred it to use as thread to make new items.

                            A lady next door to me posts all the time on Facebook their church is looking for those items

                            #121859 Reply

                              Some charities do get money for bulk fiber so that’s what they do with the old ratty stained clothes

                              #121860 Reply

                                Salvation Army sells rags to companies and I think Haven Of Rest does. too? Call and find out for sure

                                #121861 Reply

                                  Maybe someone in your local buy nothing group makes quilts?

                                  #121862 Reply

                                    There are textile recycling places. Please don’t donate clothing you wouldn’t wear due to staining, holes, etc.

                                    To undeserved communities. It stretches already thin resources even more.

                                    #121863 Reply

                                      Find a textile recycling facility or drop off. Thank you for not donating.

                                      #121864 Reply

                                        Cut them for patches if they are denim. I love crafting with cottons and denim.

                                        #121865 Reply

                                          Clothes with stains, holes, faded out etc. belong in your trash, not in someone elses trash to take care of disposal.

                                          #121866 Reply

                                            Animal shelter if they could be used for bedding? Some places might use them for rags – we bought rags for industrial use made from used fabric.

                                            #121867 Reply

                                              You can buy fabric recycling bags, to mail back. There are several, google fabric recycling services.

                                              #121868 Reply

                                                Make your own cleaning rags, Swiffer covers, makeup removers, pet bedding, etc out of your unusable clothing.

                                                If you don’t want to wear it, no one else will. Another possibility for stained items might be to research deep cleaning or dyeing.

                                                Use the useable parts to make smaller items like throw pillows or even pot holders.

                                                #121869 Reply

                                                  They have those blue dumpsters by the elementary schools. A lot of the time that will sell the clothing by the pound.

                                                  #121870 Reply

                                                    Keep some cotton clothes and use them as rags when cleaning in the house.

                                                    For the rest of them, maybe you have a textile recycle bin – call your town administration and ask about it.

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