One of the biggest frugal tips I have right now is..



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  • #86588 Reply

      .. take pictures of everything in your carts listed tag and verify every item during and after purchase.

      Every time I shop anywhere there are huge discrepancies. I just had to have customer service refund me $14 at target due to numerous mistakes.

      This has happened At Sprouts, Lidl, Food Lion…etc pretty much everywhere I shop now I revering the charged price and that coupons were applied.

      #86589 Reply

        In canada we have a scanning code of practice at most grocery stores. If the product rings up as more expensive than advertised then you can let cashier know and you are refunded the amount if $10 or less or they take $10 off.

        #86590 Reply

          If I am putting an on sale item into my cart, I always take a picture to have as proof of the sale price.

          #86591 Reply

            I just had this at Target: item clearly marked on sale $8.99. on cashier’s receipt, charged $11.99. Had to go wait in line at Customer Service. Was refunded $11.99 and charged $8.99.

            Waiting for refund to show up on my online banking. Meantime, I am charged $20.98 for a $8.99 item.

            They should have just given me the overcharged $3 in cash.

            Don’t miss: I had to let frugal go out the window today in order to be a blessing to my big sister

            #86592 Reply

              Prices changing more often and less employees to change the signs.

              There is a plus side. I have gotten some suprise discounts.

              #86593 Reply

                This happens often when I shop too. I’ve learned to keep track. I used to be able to watch the register and see what is scanned. But now it rings up at full price but you put your phone number in and all the discounts come off at the end.

                And I’m petty enough to walk right over to the service desk and ask for my 50 cents back. They know me by name now. Lol.

                #86594 Reply

                  I can believe it.

                  I’m getting to the point that I will only buy a very small quantity at a time so that I can doublecheck that the price is correct, as it’s impossible for me to make sure that a grocery bill is correct.

                  Explore these too: Frugal gifting tip: do the dreaded, overlooked, or forgotten deed

                  #86595 Reply

                    I believe that prices change alot so it is hard to keep up changing to the new price. I have worked in two different stores.

                    Big and small stores.

                    This is what I noticed.

                    #86596 Reply

                      I’ve had to start taking pics of marked down item prices on the shelves (Walmart) because they go off the online price if you raise concern.

                      They honor if the reduced price is on a sticker, but not all items have them.

                      I’ve missed out on too many deals because their system doesn’t reflect many in-store marked downs.

                      #86597 Reply

                        I’m not gonna stand in the customer service line to get a refund. Ine of the benefits of using self check out is I can catch it at the time if the price isn’t correct.

                        Recently, I’ve had to do grocery pick up orders because I’m laid up with a broken ankle. (don’t trust my husband to shop.) in every order I’ve had multiple items that expire in the next week. Mostly dairy items. And one day my husband picked up the order and when I checked, half of the eggs were broken.

                        What am I gonna do when I get old and really crippled and have to rely on this all the time.

                        I shudder to think.

                        Also, check out: Here’s my frugal tip – I refuse to pay for TV services

                        #86598 Reply

                          I live 5 miles from grocers so try to watch price is correct. Nut, the computers put sale prices/rate on after the fact. I had to go to customer service for corrections last week, difference of $8…ugh.

                          I coupon and sale price due to my budget restrictions!

                          #86599 Reply

                            Yes! Walmart refunded me $19 after my cashier scanned my package of ground beef twice. (And it was the most expensive item I bought too of course).

                            #86600 Reply

                              Krogers gets me all the time with items that are supposed to be on sale or discounted. I’ve also found that all grocery stores seem to be selling items that are very close to experation.

                              You get a jar of mustard or box of crackers home and then realize the best by or expiration date is 2 weeks out.

                              I always check dairy products, produce, and meats but I seem to forget to check dry goods.

                              Don’t forget to take a look at: Happy Frugal Friday! What did you do this week to save money?

                              #86601 Reply

                                I go through self check out and check the price on everything. Any Discrepancy and I’ll call an employee over.

                                Most times it needs to be fixed in the system so it helps out future customers. I don’t have time to go to customer service and get a refund.

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